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Tavernen, Pubs...Trinkgelage, Schlägereien etc

Verfasst: Sa 27. Dez 2008, 18:10
von Olminchen
London, 1921 - Covent Garden

“The old „Bucket of Blood“ is located just at the end of Rose Street, Covent Garden and has a more or less dubious reputation among the honest townsmen. Amongst the daily visitors are blacksmiths, tradesmen, railroad workers, tinkerers, day labourers, shoemakers and of course some occasional crooks. Mr. Samuel Mackenzie, or better known among the common folk as “Shady Sam” has inherited the pub from his father, who passed away a few years ago (actually Shady Sam cut his throat and trashed the body of his old man in one of the city sewer). Since the mysterious and somehow strange son has taken over the Bucket, another kind of citizen has discovered this old pub in Covent Garden. Now, apart from the usual crowd, one can sometimes notice some well-dressed Gentlemen enter the pub through the back door and leave it hours later when everybody else has been kicked out of the pub already. Even some noble Ladies have been seen once or twice a month.
The old Bucket is very famous for its bareknuckle prize fights. In summers, the fights took place on the cobbled front yard, whilst in the more common rainy and foggy evenings, the back room which became known as the “Bucket of Blood” which gave the pub its name. “

The youngest of the seven Lamont boys stepped out of the carriage and followed his father into the dark alley. It was past midnight, and only a few people were still outside. Most of them hasted to their family homes, more or less drunk, drugged or in other (worse) ways intoxicated.

The old Bucket of Blood was lying in a dark corner of Rose Street and as soon as Jonathan and his father entered through the wooden back door, all noises from the street outside faded away. Silence. And absolute darkness. Not the darkness you feel safe in, like in your bedroom at home during night hours…no. This darkness was hiding someone…or something. Though only 5 years old, Little Jonathan knew exactly what to do. His father had told him since he was able to talk and walk. He stood still, not moving an inch, keeping perfectly silent. He kept waiting, only being able to feel his father standing right next to him in the dark rook. From what Jonathan could tell, the air smelled of cigarettes, ale, red wine and some sort of old, salted meat.
So. You have brought the boy, Lamont. I’m impressed – he seems bigger as you at that age. Come boy, step forward and show yourself properly.” Jonathan obeyed immediately without hesitation.

Re: Tavernen, Pubs...Trinkgelage, Schlägereien etc

Verfasst: Mo 29. Dez 2008, 09:16
von Kodema
Fein fein fein!!!!!! :D

Gefällt mir außerordentlich gut! aber sollten wir das nicht in den Stimmungsfred werfen?

Re: Tavernen, Pubs...Trinkgelage, Schlägereien etc

Verfasst: Mo 29. Dez 2008, 09:48
von Kadosma akwbi
Mir gefällt's auch sehr! Wenn du einverstanden bist, Olminchen, schieb es doch da rüber, dort hat Kodema auch schon ein paar solcher Kurzerzählungen drin. Auch diese könnte man schön zu einem Einstieg in ein Abenteuer machen.

Mir schwebt mittlerweile sowas vor wie eine Sammlung solcher Einstiege in Abenteuer oder einzelne Szenen, die man gesammelt in den Anhang zu den Regeln oder vielleicht noch besser - vor allem wenn es noch deutlich mehr werden - in ein Extraheftchen stellen könnte. Aus einigen könnten wir dann schon selbst Abenteuer weiterschreiben, andere könnten wir als Anregung zum Selberweitererfinden so lassen. Was meint ihr?

Kann eigentlich jeder von uns genug Englisch? Wenn nicht, sollten wir es vielleicht noch übersetzen.

Re: Tavernen, Pubs...Trinkgelage, Schlägereien etc

Verfasst: Mo 29. Dez 2008, 10:00
von Kodema
Wenns ins Extraheftchen, oder wohin auchi mmer kommen soll sollten wir es auf jeden Fall übersetzen....
Nur weil wir es verstehen etc etc etc ;)

Re: Tavernen, Pubs...Trinkgelage, Schlägereien etc

Verfasst: Mo 29. Dez 2008, 10:31
von Kadosma akwbi
Klar, dann eh. Ich meinte vorläufig, erstmal nur für uns.

Re: Tavernen, Pubs...Trinkgelage, Schlägereien etc

Verfasst: Mo 29. Dez 2008, 10:49
von Kodema
Ich kann jetzt natürlich nur für mich sprechen, aber reichts so wies ist :)

Re: Tavernen, Pubs...Trinkgelage, Schlägereien etc

Verfasst: Mo 29. Dez 2008, 12:55
von Olminchen
Nachdem ich nich wusste ob das so gefällt hab ichs halt mal hierher gepostet, aber wegen mir kann man das rumschieben wie es euch gefällt :)

Ah ja und das ist auf Englisch weil es mir oft auf Englisch leichter fällt etwas auszudrücken oder zu schreiben. Das geht auch noch weiter, hab da noch so einige lustige Ideen. Am Ende soll es so eine Art Geschichte über eine der Gilden werden, die ich mir da so hab einfallen lassen. Wenn das am Ende fertig ist und jemand hier nicht so gut Englisch versteht (wobei ich jetzt ja kein Shakespear Englisch verwende) kann ich das gern noch mal ins fade deutsche übersetzen *zwinker*

Zusatzinfo: Den Bucket of Blood gabs tatsächlich. Der heisst nur heutzutage Lamb and Flag. Und das mit dem Zimmer und den Kämpfen ist auch so ziemlich war.

Re: Tavernen, Pubs...Trinkgelage, Schlägereien etc

Verfasst: Mo 29. Dez 2008, 13:00
von Kodema
ausgezeichnet.......weitermachen ;)

Re: Tavernen, Pubs...Trinkgelage, Schlägereien etc

Verfasst: Di 30. Dez 2008, 18:04
von Olminchen
Out of a dark corner of the room a tall and brawny man in his fifties stepped forward. His armour seemed to consist of cotton and leather. Shoes, trousers, shirt, gloves and the bandana, all dyed in black, with only one exception. The man wore a thin, white, silken scarf, wrapped very tightly around his neck. From one temple to the other, around the eyes, the skin had been tattooed with a black colour.
So you are the youngest of Lamonts offspring. Let me have a look. Well trained, I suppose?” Lamonts father nodded. He had trained his son in all sorts of weapons from the day on the kid began to walk on his own. Battle strategy, diplomacy and of course languages were also a part of the boy’s education. All of the Lamont children were raised in English and French and had been taught some basics in Spanish.
Listen to me know why you are here. Your father has decided that you as his youngest son will be a part of something big. If you pass our test, you will be my apprentice I am Master Umbra, and from me you will learn what it means to be one of us. You will be trained in weaponry, horsemanship, unarmed fighting techniques and much more. And when you come of age, you will be properly initiated and spend your life working for us. But for now, you will have to stay here. Your father and I have to discuss something very important. Whatever happens – don’t move.

With these words, both of the men left the boy, without looking at him further, leaving him in the darkness, taking away the only candle in the room. The boy stood still, not moving, he kept waiting there. Darkness surrounded him. When the boy had entered the room with his father, he was occupied with the appearing Master and the stories his father had told him the night before. Now, whilst he was staying behind, he noticed some rather weird noises. Not loud, more if something or someone was with him in the room. Was that breathing? Or was it just the wind, which had found a small hole in the old wall. There!
A sudden draft behind him made the boy flinch. Did he panic? Was there someone standing behind him? The boy gathered all his strength and courage and kept standing still, starring with his eyes in the darkness. There...had there someone or something...touched him? He definitely had felt something at his back. His heart was racing and he tried breathing calm and slow. Don’t move, whatever happens, don’t move, had the Master sad. Had he foreseen something? Had he known that something or someone was with him in this room? Or was that just a trick to frighten him so much, that he would imagine these sorts of things?

After which appeared a couple of hours to the boy, the door opened again and his father and the Master entered the room. Jonathan had to close his eyes for a second or two, as the bright light from outside of the room was blinding him. When he opened them again, he could see a proud smile on his father’s face. “You seem to have spirit, boy. I think...I’ll have you as my apprentice. Welcome to the Guild.” With these words, the Master handed him a white scarf and helped him to wrap it around his neck. “From now on, you will spend every second week with me, until you have reached your 21st year.”

Re: Tavernen, Pubs...Trinkgelage, Schlägereien etc

Verfasst: Mo 5. Jan 2009, 08:52
von Kodema
sehr sehr fein! danke :D